Bid Recipient
The City is seeking a vendor who can provide all the materials and services requested herein. The selected vendor shall
provide the services required below:
- The proposed project will improve the water quality in Cumberland Bay that is critical to the success of Plattsburgh City
Beach and many other surrounding areas. The contamination in Cumberland Bay comes from storm sewer, urban runoff,
and sediments producing levels of mercury and phosphorus in the water. The impaired waterbody also contains priority
organics (PCBS). Proposed improvements include green infrastructure such as storm water tree trenches and bio retention
areas, which will help to capture some of the runoff that can come from the beach parking lot. Blowing sand has filled
drainage structures and limited their effectiveness. Restoring the beach’s sand dunes will also provide an extra layer of
protection to Cumberland Bay by helping to limit the urban and storm water runoff that makes its way into the catch basins
and eventually into the bay. This project will also help restore and revitalize Plattsburgh City Beach, a public beach and
tourist destination in Plattsburgh, New York.
- The City Beach project will include about 5,280 square feet of treatment and infiltration area for the storm water tree
trenches and approximately 7,680 square feet of bio retention areas that will be incorporated to capture and filter
storm water runoff. The tree trenches will consist of native tree species, and the bio retention areas will incorporate native
shrubs, grasses, and perennial flowers. The project will also include the restoration of four (4) foot tall of sand dunes
covering an area of approximately one (1) acre. The dunes will be covered with dune grass. Other plans for vegetation
include the planting of fifteen (15) trees and approximately one-half (1/2) acre of turf establishment. A conceptual site
plan for these improvements is included below in Exhibit B.
To review the full RFP please click here.
Publication Date/Time
Closing Date/Time
Contact Person
Courtney Meisenheimer
Pre-bid Meeting
Business Hours